When I first created Kids In Touch,
I never imagined all the ways it would be used to help families communicate.
I'm most proud of how this safe texting app for kids has helped military families keep in touch during deployments.
Servicemembers and their families can now text and send photos and videos to their loved ones at any time of day or night. They no longer have to worry about the costs of long-distance calls, arranging convenient times to Skype, or handle the awkwardness of trying to share special moments when you're in the hot seat and everyone in the family is watching. Kids In Touch lets each family member share in their own way.
Recently, I was honored to get this text from Sofia in Fort Gordon, GA. I'm so glad that Kids In Touch will help her family stay together across all those miles!
We just wanted to thank you so much for this app. My husband is an active duty Intel officer with the Army. We are gearing up for another yearlong deployment.
Just using this app for a few days has already shown us that it's going to be a safe way for our children to communicate with dad while he's gone.
We love having all the control and unlike Skype where we all sit there thinking of something to say the kids can privately speak to their Dad.
This app is invaluable to us. Thanks for making it possible and our lives a little easier.
I want to thank Sofia's family for their service to our country. I'd also like to remind all military families that Kids In Touch is available for free. Please let me do my little part to help you serve your country and keep in touch with your family.